Why You Should Add a Mid-Length Surfboard to Your Quiver
Are you currently experiencing a plateau in your surfing skill level? If so, then maybe you should experiment with a mid-length surfboard for a while to see if that doesn’t give you the breakthrough you’re looking for. Here’s why.
Preventing Injuries in the Surf
Surfing is a great sport for staying healthy and fit. Many San Diego natives use surfing as their primary fitness routine. But just like any other sport, surfing has the ability to do damage to your body to those who aren’t careful. So how can you prevent yourself from getting injured? Keep reading to find the top 3 tips for preventing injuries in surfing.
How to Handle Failure in Surfing
Let us start by acknowledging the fact that all surfers experience failure and plateau. It’s not a question of if, but when. Surfing has a steep learning curve when compared to other sports because deliberate practice is difficult to achieve in the unpredictable ocean…
Surf Camp Inspires Students Both In and Out of the Ocean
San Diego surf camps have a long-standing history of teaching students how to build independent surfing skills in the ocean. But did you know that surf camps in San Diego have the ability to inspire our students in the classroom as well?
Your Daily Motivation with Landis Sims
Need a daily dose of inspiration? Watch Landis Sims tackle the surf and anything else life throws his way. Landis is a quadruple amputee, but he doesn't let that slow him down. He came to town to play some baseball and made sure he had some time to surf with Coach Sean and Surf Education Academy.
3 Essential Tips for Safe Surfing in San Diego
Surfing in San Diego can be a fun and engaging sport for kids and adults alike and is one of the best surf destinations in North America. With an abundance of beaches, and so many waves to choose from, what’s to keep you from getting outside and surfing?
Top 3 Mistakes Beginner Surfers Make & How To Fix Them
Let’s face it, learning how to surf is difficult. Learning how to surf proficiently is near impossible. Of the tens of millions of people worldwide who try their hand at surfing each year, only a small fraction stick with the sport long enough to get good at it.
Why Surfing is an Essential Activity During the Coronavirus Pandemic
As we welcome the new year and anticipate another season chock-full of surf lessons here at Surf Education Academy, it is hard not to reflect on the rollercoaster ride that was our 2020 season. With beach closures put into effect throughout San Diego county last March, it was unclear whether or not we would be allowed to teach surf lessons at all in 2020.